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Bluetooth MAC Address Changer Logo-214

By Admin : Black Deejay

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Bluetooth MAC Address Changer Logo-214

By Admin : Black Deejay
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Bluetooth MAC Address Changer

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Bluetooth MAC Address Changer Empty Bluetooth MAC Address Changer

Post by didi7789 Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:43 am

Bluetooth MAC Address Changer 97864d4c91a544a22fc51b48335fea1c
File Size : 2.5 Mb

This software makes changes to your bluetooth hardware (writes new MAC address into device's memory). This action may damage your bluetooth adapter and make it unusable.
Easy-to-install application with a minimalistic user interface and simple controls

This application can be easily installed on your computer as it does not require you to perform any configuration or adjust any parameter during its runtime. It comes with a simplistic design that encompasses intuitive functions, thus allowing you to access them effortlessly.

However, since using this application can do irreversible damage to your hardware components, you need advanced PC operating skills and a good understanding of MAC address modifying concepts.

Change your Bluetooth adapter's MAC address easily

You can rely on Bluetooth MAC Address Changer if you want to modify the MAC address of your Bluetooth adapter in an easy, convenient manner. Doing so is possible by either manually typing your desired address in the dedicated field or by hitting the Random button.

Additionally, this application allows you to toggle the change to be temporary, if you want to avoid misplacing your old MAC address. You can also enable adapter auto-reset, so that you do not need to manually do that every once in a while.

As a conclusion

All in all, Bluetooth MAC Address Changer is a lightweight application that allows you to modify the MAC address of your Bluetooth adapter in a convenient manner by either typing it yourself or relying on the random address generator.

It comes with a minimalistic user interface, simple controls and additional functions, such as auto-resetting the adapter or toggling the change to be a temporary one.




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