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Softany WordToHelp 3.297 Logo-214

By Admin : Black Deejay

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Softany WordToHelp 3.297 Logo-214

By Admin : Black Deejay
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Softany WordToHelp 3.297

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Softany WordToHelp 3.297 Empty Softany WordToHelp 3.297

Post by didi7789 Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:55 pm

Softany WordToHelp 3.297 SW3-297

File size: 6.0 MB

Softany WordToHelp is an extremely easy-to-use help authoring tool. You only need to write documents in Microsoft Word, Softany WordToHelp will help you generate a variety of help files( HTML help(.chm), Web-based help and PDF). Softany WordToHelp provide up to 20 professional templates, so that you can produce professional-looking help documents without any knowledge of HTML and page design.
Key features
Uses Word documents as source - with the most powerful word processor in the world, nothing cannot be imagined.
Provides over 20 professional templates - without any design skills, you can make good-looking help files.
Supports importing CHM file - convert existing CHM file to Word document so that you can transfer your previous works on other help authoring tools to Softany WordToHelp.
Visual CHM designer - the easiest way to set the properties of your chm files. (e.g. menu, toolbar, navigation, window size, default position, etc).
Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.




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