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URL Blocker Multilingual Logo-214

By Admin : Black Deejay

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URL Blocker Multilingual Logo-214

By Admin : Black Deejay
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URL Blocker Multilingual

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URL Blocker Multilingual Empty URL Blocker Multilingual

Post by didi7789 Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:24 am

URL Blocker Multilingual UB2-0-0-5

File Size : 0.9 Mb

URL Blocker is a tool for safe Internet use which is used for making certain Internet addresses (URLs) inaccessible to users and Internet browsers from the given computer. The user can freely provide, modify, export and import the list of URLs to be blocked.
With URL Blocker, the Internet connection of every single computer in the local network can be limited independently, on an URL level, without a complex firewall program or any special network knowledge.
After properly setting the program, it is possible to do the following, among other things
On computers used for work, we can block certain web pages, which we often "accidently" visit during work (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, etc.) and waste our time intended for work on them.
The access to the currently developed web page can be limited on certain computers of the local network. This way we can prevent our colleagues at work, or our family members at home from loading and using the project under development in an unsolicited way. This limitation can often help prevent huge losses.
We can block the pages which pose a security risk.
On a family computer, we can limit the access to web pages which may have an adverse effect on the development of children. Naturally, the program offers many other options in addition to those listed above.
URL Blocker works on Win7/8/10 operating systems, it requires no installation, it is free to use.




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